Oct 9, 2012

Holy Energy Usage, Batman!

Did you open your utility bill last month and exclaim, “Holy energy usage, Batman! Either the dog has been refrigerating the whole house while I’m at work, or there must be some mistake…” If this is the case, you are not alone. Citizens across Logan have seen their utilities inexplicably skyrocket the past few months (check out this Herald Journal article to learn why).

Your wallet has probably already been gouged this summer. One can only anticipate that the onslaught of another painfully frigid winter will further sap your cash. So, why not make a preemptive strike and start trimming down that meter usage now? The Family Life Center presents just a few ways to cut down your utilities (for any season) and keep that cash in your pocket:

  • Use the dishwasher. Washing and rinsing dishes by hand three times a day uses more hot water and energy than washing one load a day in an automatic dishwasher. Run your dishwater only when it is filled to capacity.
  • Use task lighting when working at a desk or workbench and turn surrounding lights off. It makes for a better ambience anyway.
  • Consider using small appliances for cooking rather than heating the oven. A toaster oven may just change your life. Can you say, “Reheated pizza miracle??”
  • Don’t open the oven to preview food. The temperature drops 25-50 degrees every time you take a peek.
  • Use fans wisely. In just one hour, a hardworking bathroom or kitchen fan can expel a house full of warm air. Turn fans off as soon as they’ve done the job.
  • Turn the water heater down. A water heater should be kept around 120 F.
  • Use energy-efficient fluorescent lights inside and out. It may not be rock star lighting, but they use about one-third the power.
  • Sign up for budget billing for your natural gas and electric bills. This allows you to pay the same amount each month throughout the year. 

While forking out the dough for your utility bills can be thrilling, there may be EVEN MORE fun things to do with your money. Why not try some of these out and see just how much you can hold on to!